example solution

High output catalyst preparation by impregnation

FLEX ISYNTH high throughput catalyst preparation

Chemspeed's solution

The leading technology in overhead gravimetric dispensing / dosing (patented) combined with our disposable glass or reusable quartz reactors and user-friendly software enable you to accelerate, standardize and digitalize your metal salt solution preparation with pH-adjustment and "on-the-fly" density measurement, impregnation (e.g. incipient wetness, excessive liquid), washing & drying - end-to-end catalyst sysnthesis with quality assurance by design.


Example workflow

FLEX ISYNTH - High throughput catalyst preparation


Powerful advantages

  • Fully automated, integrated high throughput catalyst preparation by e.g. incipient wetness, excessive liquid impregnation.
  • Easy-to-use disposable multi-functional, high-precision glass or quartz reactor arrays at mL scale.
  • Glass reactor arrays with screwless and self-sealing opening / closing, mixing by shaking (up to 1'000 rpm), heating (up to 150°C) and cooling (-20°C / -70°C), refluxing, vacuum, inertization, evaporation, L/L extraction, filtration, solid-phase extraction, crystallization and drying.
  • Proprietary robotic tool exchange.
  • Gravimetric solid handling from μg to g.
  • Gravimetric liquid handling from mg to g / μL to mL.
  • Chemistry proven liquid handling with e.g. pH, filtration, heated needle extension.
  • Throughput, e.g. 12 / 24 / ... parallel impregnations per run based.
  • Ventilated hood for safety and conditioned operation.
  • AUTOSUITE SOFTWARE - drag & drop experimentation with easy interface (e.g. python custom device) to e.g. LIMS, ELN, data analysis, AI / ML closed loop.
Chemspeed AutoSuite Software laptop screen